We're living in perilous times...The federal government, the big banks, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve have formed a dictatorship which has taken over every aspect of our lives and we are close to losing all of our liberties. Never before in history has a people been so systematically subjugated and enslaved to a callous and greedy group of elite aristocrats without rebelling. The true unemployment rate is 20%+, foreclosures are going through the roof, the Federal Reserve is printing TRILLIONS of dollars out of thin air, which will cause hyperinflation, the infrastructure is crumbling all around us, the US's blind support of the Zionist regime in Israel has turned the world against us and has caused the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, and now the Iran war...The criminals in Washington have given trillions of dollars to the very thieves who caused the collapse of the economy, while telling the rest of us that we must bite the bullet and fend for ourselves. now they are speaking of "entitlement programs" like Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc as if to say people on Social Security are beggars, parasites living on the dole rather than retired workers taking advantage of their own money that they worked 50 years for...
The Federal Reserve, with their QE1 and QE2 is devaluing the dollar at a prodigious rate...it won't be long until the economy goes into hyperinflation as so many other economies did, from the Weimar Republic to Argentina to Yugoslavia to Zimbabwe, where it took trillions of dollars to buy a loaf of bread...Ben Bernanke should be arrested for high crimes against the people of the United States, the Wall Street bankers that stole trillions should be put on trial just like Bernie Madoff was...they are just as guilty...
We need to band together in our communities and form grass roots resistance movements to confront the criminals in Washington and on Wall Street and take America back...Some are forming militias and some are hunkering down in their bunkers with food, water and guns to try and survive alone, Rambo-style...We're all in this together, and as a unit we cannot be defeated, there are just too many of us...