Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Look what happened to Australia....are we going to be next? Will they disarm the American people?

In 1996, Australia adopted draconian gun control laws banning 60% of all firearms and requiring registration of all firearms and licensing of gun owners. As a result, Rod Ansell believed that police were coming to confiscate his unregistered firearms. In Austrailia today, police do not need a search warrant to enter your house and search for guns. Police can search door-to-door looking for un-surrendered weapons in their gun buyback program. They have been using previous gun regis-tration and license lists to check for non-compliance and confiscate now illegal firearms.

The rush to draft stringent gun controls in Australia, in a curious foreshadowing of our own post-Columbine experience began after, in 1996, a crazed gunman shot 35 people. Australians were shocked, and the government reacted quickly. Draconian gun legislation was passed in the heat of the moment.

Notes former California State Senator H.L. Richardson "They outlawed every semi-auto, even those pretty duck guns, pump shotguns and semi-auto hunting rifles.
"They didn't miss a one. In today's Australia, it is illegal for any citizen except officers to own even .22's and sporting shotguns designed for duck hunting."

The result? As in Great Britain, crime has escalated beyond belief! In the year following implementation of the law, Australia experienced a 44% increase in armed robberies, 8.6% Increase in assaults and a ~ increase in homicides. In the state of Victoria there was a 300% increase in firearm homicides!!!l In South Australia, robberies increased 58%. Two years after the ban, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Armed robberies are up 73% and assaults are up 17%. By comparison, in the 25 years before the ban, Australia had a steady decrease both in firearm homicides and robberies. It is now a haven heaven for every criminal creep who knows there's little chance law-abiding citi-zens can defend themselves. The police can't prevent crime or protect & serve you until it's too late, - dead men and women can't dial 911.

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